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Airplane Ratings 

If you are seeking to obtain a new pilot certificate or rating, we can provide you with the important information you need to make your next step. The Federal Aviation Administration provides you with the nessesary minimum hours to pass a checkride. However, wether for a helicopter or airplane rating, our experiance at the Ohio Flight Center showed, that most students usually need more hours and more experiance to obtain a license with confidence and proficency. 

Private Pilot License

For those interested in becoming a private airplane pilot, our comprehensive training programs will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to earn your private pilot license. You'll learn the fundamentals of aviation, including aircraft controls, navigation, aerodynamics, and federal aviation regulations. Our experienced instructors will guide you through ground school classes and provide hands-on flight training to ensure you are well-prepared for your checkride.

Sunset R182RG Aircraft Camping

Instrument Rating 

Obtaining an instrument airplane rating, also known as IR rating, allows pilots to fly in conditions where visibility is reduced or when they need to navigate solely by reference to instruments. There are countless reasons why pilots should choose to pursue an instrument rating, but overall it will make you a more professional and safer pilot. Weather towards your career goals, personal interests or desire to enhance your aviation skills, a Iïnstrument rating will expand your horizion.


Fireworks with airplanes
Instrument rating

Commercial Pilot License 

A commercial pilot license (CPL) is a requirement if you are planning to pursue a professional career as a pilot. It allows you to work as a paid pilot and opens up opportunities to fly for airlines, charter companies, cargo operations, or other commercial aviation roles. If you are dreaming of becomming a Flight Instructor or for personal achievements and growth with a CPL you will be able to increase you earning potential and expand your flying potential. 

C182RG Bryce Canyon KBCE
Com AC

Multi Engine Add- on 

Multi-engine aircraft generally offers better performance compared to single-engine aircraft. They can typically fly at higher speeds, climb more rapidly, and carry heavier loads. This can be especially important for commercial pilots who need to transport passengers like family members with a lot  of luggage over long distances efficiently. A multi engine add-on will also increase your redundancy and safety. The training you receive with any multiengine airplane will improve your flying skills and expand your overall aviation knowledge.

King Air C90A

Certified Flight Instructor 

Flight instructors have the opportunity to share their love and passion for aviation and their expertise with student pilots. They get to pass on their knowledge, skills, and experiences, helping to shape the next generation of aviators. Being a flight Instuctor is a great oppertunity to build flight hours and experiance as a pilot. Next to building up your professional network with fellow instructors you will be able to develop leadership and communication skills. You will be able to see your students suceed and you have a direcdt impact in improving safety in the aviation world. 

Wing view C182RG

Certified Flight Instructor Instrument 

Add the CFII License to your credentials and it will significantly enhances your employability in the aviation industry. The CFII License is your gateway to become an instrument flight instructor, allowing you to teach existing pilots the freedom of instrument flying and prepare them to navigate in challenging weather conditions.

Wing view weather C182RG
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